About the Carpe Diem Foundation
Improving the Quality of Human Life

This Foundation was established pursuant to the direction of Mabel E. Greenspon who died on March 21, 2001. The sole sources of funding are the proceeds of the Mabel E. Greenspon Charitable Remainder Trust.

Her instructions were that upon her death, a charitable foundation was to be established to identify and assist students and teachers who were most likely to improve the quality of human life.

Mrs. Greenspon sought to identify students who were not being adequately served by existing scholarship programs. She felt that exceptional students from poor families were served by the existing "need based" grant and loan programs that are offered by every major institution. The class of individuals whom she felt most needed assistance were individuals from families that had chosen to work in public service and accumulated some assets. These students don't qualify for "need based" grants, yet their families are not financially able to provide these exceptional students with opportunities commensurate with their abilities. Mrs. Greenspon believed that families should not be penalized for choosing public service careers. She also believed that by providing opportunities for exceptional individuals, she could make a difference in the world. She made many such gifts during her lifetime and sought to have her good works continue after her death. The Foundation will be guided in accordance with her principles.

The net income of the organization shall be used to make Scholarship Grants to students.

The grants will be awarded to students who have demonstrated outstanding achievements, exceptional leadership ability and a serious commitment to community service. Scholarship grants are renewable for up to four years.

The grants shall be used for tuition, books, computers, room and board at accredited educational institutions in the U.S.

While the grants will be awarded based upon merit, priority among equally qualified candidates will be given to students whose parents are employed in education, government, social services, public health, the administration of justice and the fine arts.

Recipients of scholarship grants must be enrolled as full-time students, maintain a B+ average and participate in service activity. They must submit grade transcripts at the end of each semester or quarter. Violation of the terms of the grant will result in immediate termination from the program.