Frequently Asked Questions


The Carpe Diem Foundation of Illinois is committed to helping students who have demonstrated outstanding achievements, exceptional leadership ability and a serious commitment to community service.

A. Who should apply?

The Carpe Diem Foundation of Illinois is not able to offer new scholarships for the current term. We will continue to fully fund all scholarships that have previously been granted, pursuant to our existing criteria.

We will re-evaluate whether we are in a position to fund new grants from time to time.

B. Does anyone have a priority to receive this scholarship?

Yes. We want to assist families who have demonstrated a commitment to public service, including education; local, state or federal government; social service; public health (including medical providers); the administration of justice and the fine arts.

However, the scholarship is not limited to individuals in the groups listed above. Also, while it is not based solely on financial need, other scholarships which you receive will be taken into account.

C. Do you have to major in a specific area of interest, if awarded the scholarship?

You do not have to declare a major if you are a high school senior or college freshman. We do expect you to have a vision for the future and be able to describe your role in pursuing your goals.

You are expected to follow your vision of how to make the world a better place. We expect you to grow and develop as a leader.

D. What is the amount of the scholarship and what do I have to do to keep it?

All scholarships will be $1,500 per year for tuition, room, board and books at U.S. accredited educational institutions. The scholarship is granted for 1 year only. It may be be renewed for up to four years. Winners must submit copies of their grade reports (transcripts) each semester, maintain a B+ average in their course work, participate in one or more activities that improve the quality of the academic and social life of their community and must be enrolled as a full-time student of the educational institution during the term of the scholarship.

E. Why is this scholarship offered?

This Foundation was created in honor of Mabel E. Greenspon. Mabel E. Greenspon was a master teacher who believed that her students could make the world a better place to live. She put her money to work to provide you with the opportunity to become a leader. Don't let your opportunity be wasted. Carpe Diem!

If you have a question not covered above, please e-mail the foundation and you will receive a response as soon as possible.
